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corals are the lifeblood of the ocean

The CoralX Foundation helps sustain coral

reefs for future generations.

Committed to helping coral reefs

Our goal is to unify data from diverse coral restoration groups, analyze it, and produce a yearly report offering both regional and global insights. By highlighting trends and promoting best practices, we aim to magnify the impact of restoration efforts and drive global solutions, ensuring the preservation of our coral and ocean ecosystems.

Fighting for our seas

partner engagement

Building collaborative relationships with coral restration partners

data gathering

Gathering crucial restoration insights and metrics

numbers to narratives

Translating data into stories of coral restoration and recovery

impact reporting

Elevating global awareness with detailed patterns in coral restoration

are you a coral organization interested in joining our global database and getting featured in yearly reports?

By sharing your data in our short questionnaire, your story can become a part of our global effort to analyze trends and improve efficacy in coral restoration. We will then craft an annual report that aims to tell the story of organizations like yours, emphasizing your mission, the impact you've made, and the invaluable work you do.

"Together, our data tells a

global story."

Our oceans' health affects us all, and it is through our combined efforts that we can turn the tide in favor of our coral reefs. Whether you're an organization looking to share your data, a researcher keen on collaborating, or an individual passionate about marine conservation, CoralX welcomes you. Together, let's write a new chapter for our coral reefs and the myriad of lives they sustain.

learn more about coral reefs...

Corals are fascinating organisms that form the backbone of the ocean. Despite their rock-like appearance, corals are actually living colonies of tiny animals called polyps. These polyps secrete calcium carbonate to build intricate structures known as coral reefs over time. As living creatures, corals have basic biological functions such as reproduction, growth, and feeding. Their growth rates vary depending on environmental factors such as temperature, light availability, and nutrient levels. While some corals can grow several centimeters per year, others may only grow a few millimeters.

Corals can be either carnivorous or utilize photosynthesis through a symbiotic relationship with microscopic algae called zooxanthellae. These algae live within the coral tissues and provide them with food through photosynthesis, while the corals offer shelter and nutrients in return. Additionally, some corals use their tentacles to capture small plankton and organic particles from the water, supplementing their diet with these microorganisms.

Although coral reefs cover less than 0.1% of the earth’s surface, they are the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world, including being home to more than:

species of reef fish


species of coral

other animal species

Corals provide critical services including coastal protection, essential marine life habitat, medical resources, fisheries production, recreational activities, and tourist revenue.


They also provide critical services including coastal protection, essential marine life habitat, medical resources, fisheries production, recreational activities, and tourist revenue.



percent of all coral reefs are

currently threatened

billion dollars of annual coral income



percent of wave energy mitigated by

healthy corals

percent of coral reefs are harmed by unsustainable fishing

1 million

4.3 billion


people worldwide rely on fish

for protein intake

percent of coral reefs will be harmed if

we don’t take action now

our team

Yusuf Shehata


Zachary Kane

Vice President

Simone Nix

Coral Biologist

Some of the Organizations​ Participating in the “2023 Ree​f restoration repor​t”

Make a difference



CoralX Foundation s a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Copyright © 2024
